There is sometimes an illusion that successful people are exempt from having head trash. There’s also these ideas that there’s a magic wand that can create success, or that there isn’t enough time in the day, or that having a lifestyle practice is the equivalent to being lazy. What if, instead, there is a way to create a dream practice and lifestyle? Critically acclaimed author, Matthew Jarvis, CFPR has quite literally written the book for financial advisors on how to Deliver Massive Value™. His intense focus on delivering the most value possible to clients, spending quality time outside of the office with his family all while being highly profitable in these pursuits has catapulted Matthew Jarvis into the global league of extraordinary advisors.
Matthew Jarvis packs a powerful message to all in the financial planning industry: mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself so to be exceptional, you must do what works.
Raising Fees and Charging What You’re Worth
Head Trash
Implementing Surge Meetings
Empowering Your People: Cultivating A Team Of Rockstars